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Who We Are
Care Management Entities offer a centralized vehicle for coordinating the full array of needs for children and adolescents with complex behavioral health issues.

A Care Management Entity (CME) is an organizational entity that serves as a centralized accountable hub to coordinate all care for youth with complex behavioral health challenges who are involved in multiple systems, and their families. As described below, a CME provides: (1) a youth guided and family-family driven, strengths-based approach that is coordinated across agencies and providers; (2) intensive care coordination; (3) home- and community based services and peer supports as alternatives to costly residential and hospital care for children and adolescents with severe behavioral health challenges.
Goals of a CME
The underlying goals of a CME are to: (1) improve clinical and functional outcomes; (2) enhance system efficiencies, and control costs; and (3) foster resiliency in families and youth. To achieve these objectives, a CME works to:
Improve access to appropriate services and supports;
Reduce unnecessary use of costly services (e.g., out-of-home placements and lengths of stay);
Employ health information technology to support service decision making; and
Engage youth and their families as partners in care decisions to improve their experience with care.
Populations of Focus
The CME is designed for populations with historically high healthcare costs and poor health and social outcomes. Beneficiaries who can benefit from CMEs include Medicaid and SCHIP-enrolled youth and others:
With severe behavioral health challenges;
In (or at risk of being placed in) psychiatric residential treatment facilities;
In other out-of-home settings such as therapeutic group homes;
On multiple psychotropic medications;
In child welfare.
CME Functions
CMEs typically include the following functions:
High-quality wraparound implementation
Development and management of provider networks, including natural supports
Screening, assessment, and clinical oversight
Utilization management and quality improvement
Intensive care coordination
Outcomes management
Information management, including real-time data
Training for CME staff, providers, families, and referring entities
Access to family and youth support and advocacy
Care monitoring and review
Access to crisis supports
For more information email NFI North's CME Administrator, Jen Altieri
CME Programs

FAST Forward stands for "Families and Systems Together" and is designed to serve youth with serious emotional disturbances and their families whose needs are not met by traditional service streams and programs. LEARN MORE

The Transitional Enhanced Care Coordination (TrECC) program represents a major shift in the norm of residential treatment episodes for youth and their families. LEARN MORE

Youth MOVE
Youth M.O.V.E. New Hampshire is a statewide Chapter of Youth M.O.V.E. National, which is a nationwide, youth-driven, membership organization that is dedicated to improving services and systems that serve youth such as mental health, juvenile justice, education, and welfare. LEARN MORE
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