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NFI North Welcomes Terry Lochhead to its Board of Directors


CONTACT: Alisa Gibson Director of Marketing and Development 603-746-7550

Contoocook, N.H. – NFI North is pleased to announce that Terry Lochhead, has been elected to its Board of Directors. Lochhead worked as a reporter for New Hampshire Public Radio, then spent almost a decade building coalitions to lobby the NH Legislature and raise public awareness about the needs of vulnerable children.

“We are very pleased to welcome Terry Lochhead to NFI North’s Board of Directors. Her experience as an advocate for human services and her commitment to sound public policy for the citizens we serve is an excellent addition to our Board,” says Dr. Paul Dann, NFI North’s Executive Director. “We look forward to the added perspective Lochhead will bring.”

When NH Governor Jeanne Shaheen’s press secretary took a 3-month leave in 1998, Terry took over his duties at the State House. Over many years, she helped national organizations advocate for expanded access to long term care, children’s health, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, and quality jobs for direct care workers. She is now retired and lives in Brownfield, Maine.

About NFI North

For four decades, NFI North has helped thousands of individuals and families throughout Maine and NH to make positive changes in their lives, to achieve personal goals, and experience the full promise of life in their communities. NFI’s broad range of mental health, child welfare, juvenile justice, educational and rehabilitative programs include home-based services, supported living, residential treatment, supported employment, foster care programs and many other forms of care designed to meet the needs of the people we serve.


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