In celebrating and keeping with the themed activities with NFI North’s Spirit week, the HOPE SUPERHEROS from the Care Management Entity would like to extend a heartfelt hello. Those of us seen in this photo displaying our colorful capes and eye coverings consider ourselves just a few of New Hampshire’s CME Superhero who are privileged to temporarily be considered the ‘holder of hope’ for our families while they continue to work, grow and increase confidence to become the holder of their own hope once again.

Jen Mardin and Lynne Conway from Community Based Services are ready to save the day!

NFI North's Hope Superheroes across Maine and New Hampshire honored fire departments, supported people who are injured, treated fellow programs with fun surprises and generally made their corner of the world just a little more hopeful today!
Matt Jeralds from Community Base Services and his four legged SUPERHERO pal named Buddy are here to encourage and inspire HOPE for all.

One of our very thoughtful Care Coordinators at the CME, (Michelle Lagasse-Flecchia) took a moment out of her day to make a special delivery to the Tilton Site and surely brought a large smile to Kristin Demers our administrative Assistant’s face. Thank-you so much Michele for your random act of kindness by delivering beautiful flowers and a note capturing appreciation for all Kristin does for us at the CME and community based services. (Michelle and Kristin pictured below)
Stay tuned for tomorrow's theme which is a Zoom Community Meeting!